Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We now have Thomas

Macy got a new toy tonight - Thomas the Train and his friend Henry. I got this on the way home from work just because. She's very excited about it, since she's been getting into Thomas lately. She's a little rough with the toys. They run on a battery and get around the track on their own. But Macy can't resist pushing them, too - helping them along.

She seems to get really nervous when both trains are on the track at the same time. They run at slightly different speeds, so if you leave them both going, eventually one will run into the back of the other one. This makes her really frazzled and anxious. She only likes to have one train going at a time. We used her blocks to build tunnels for them. Our house doesn't need more toys but like Karen said, "It's hard to resist spoiling her sometimes." She's such a good girl.

After playing with this a while, we took the dog on a walk. Macy doesn't like to ride in the stroller or wagon much anymore, so we're forced to let her walk too. As you might imagine, this makes it take a while. She spends half her time running ahead of us, and the other half stalling behind. She's especially fond of jumping up and down on manhole covers.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Blowing the dust...

...off this blog to resurrect it. Just for today? Maybe I will continue.

Here's a recent picture of the three of us. It's hard to get Macy to look at the camera, let alone smile at it. We hang on to the ones where at least one of those two things happens.